OED Documentation


Version V1.0.0


In addition to choosing the type of graphic to see, OED maintains several other pages that give information.


There are two pages available to general users that are accessed by the "Pages" dropdown menu in the top, right corner of the web browser window (highlighted with a blue box) as shown in the followings figure: dropdown to navigate to OED pages

The dropdown choices are given next with a brief description where the provided link goes to another documentation page with extensive information on that page.

  • CSV. (CVS authorized user only) This allows for upload of a CSV file with meters or readings.
  • Groups. This shows detail on each group including what meters and groups are included.
  • Meters. This shows details on each meter including the name and unit.
  • Help. Opens this documentation page.


Admin users who are logged in will have the additional choices of "Conversions", "Maps", "Units" and "Admin Panel".