OED Documentation

Meter Viewing

Version V1.0.0


Meters are the lowest level of data in OED and central to the system. A meter is generally a device that collects data on resource usage. So that one can understand about the meters available, OED maintains the meter page to give details.


Clicking on "Meters" (in blue rectangle in the following figure) under the Pages dropdown will go to the meters page. Once done, you will see what is in the next figure but note that "Meters" is grayed out since it was already selected. meters page

Each meter is shown on its own card with the following information:

  1. Meter name: This is the name of the meter shown when graphing meters. It is at the top of each card in blue. The cards are arranged from left to right and top to bottom alphabetically by the meter name.
  2. Unit: This indicates the unit that the meter collects in. This is related but different than the graphing unit used. Some information on the meter unit is given on the documentation example page.
  3. Default Graphic Unit: This tells the graphing unit used if one is not already selected before this meter is chosen.


Admins can see other details about meters as explained on the admin meters documentation page.