OED Documentation


Version V1.0.0


Meters are the lowest level of data in OED. Readings (energy/resource measurements) are associated with a particular meter. Generally a meter gets its data from a hardware device that measures usage but it can come from any source. For example, a meter might read electrical usage for a building or another area in an organization. OED allows users to graph the readings associated with a meter.


Each graphic page has a dropdown menu for the available meters as highlighted in the blue rectangle and shown in this figure: meter dropdown

Note if the list of meters is long, you may need to scroll down to get to the one you want. You can do an incremental search for any meter by typing in the input area at the top of the dropdown menu to limit the meters shown to the ones that match what you type. The search will occur anywhere in the meter name (not just the start) and is not case sensitive. This can still be done when meters are already selected and shown at the top of the meter dropdown. This is shown in the next figure where "Great Dorm 1st Floor Electric" was already selected and "eater" was typed (see blue rectangle) in the dropdown to find the two compatible and one incompatible theater meters. Note the normal separator between compatible and incompatible meters will not be shown during a search but the incompatible meters are still grayed out. meter dropdown search

You can select any meter by clicking on it so it shows up on the graphic on this page and appear in the list at the top of the meter dropdown. The choice of meters will remain as you change the graphic you are displaying. Note the meter menu will be separated into two sections by the divider "----- Incompatible Meters -----" when the already selected "Unit" is not compatible with these groups. The incompatible meters are shown at the bottom of the menu and are grayed out so they cannot be selected. In the figure of above, the unit selected (cannot easily be seen) is "kWh" so the meter "Theater Temperature" is grayed out in the bottom part of the menu because temperature is not measuring energy.

If no meter or group is selected then the "Units" may be blank. In this case, when you select a meter, the graphing unit related to the meter unit will become the "Units" for the graphic.

If you want to remove a meter from being graphed, you click the "x" to the left of its name in the list at the top of the dropdown menu.


You can view some details on meters on the Meter Viewing page.

If a meter cannot be shown then it will be grayed out. See the maps documentation page for more information.