OED Documentation

Meter Viewing

Version V0.6.0

The latest version of this page is V1.0.0.

Documentation overview

User documentation
Admin documentation
Documentation versions for this page
V0.6.0 (current page)


Meters are the lowest level of data in OED and central to the system. So that users can understand about the meters available, OED maintains the meter page to give details.


Click on the "Meters" page choice (see Page Choices for information on doing this). Once done, you will see what is in the next figure. meters page

The columns shown in the table tell the following:

  1. Meter ID: Tells the number assigned to the meter. This is not of use and should be removed from the page in the future.
  2. Meter Name: This is the name of the meter shown when graphing meters.
  3. Meter Updates: This indicates if the meter is automatically collecting new data ("Updates Enabled") or not ("Updates Disabled"). Meter values can be set in other ways that regularly update values but if updates are disabled this could indicate that recent data may not be as readily available for this meter.
  4. Meter Display: This is always "Display Enabled" for a regular user since any meter that cannot be graphed by a regular user is not shown.


Admins can see other details about meters as explained on the admin meters help page