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Project Info

Information sources and license


The OED project directions are determined by sites, users and the sustainability community. This means that what we decide to work on is dependent on what you tell us. The OED GitHub Discussions contain a User Discussion Area. Within this is the "Potential future features of the Open Energy Dashboard" where proposed issues are listed where you can comment and/or support a feature along with proposing a new one. If you have a GitHub account then you can subscribe to an OED Discussion by clicking the button on the right side of any discussion page. You can also contact the project.


The OED GitHub Issues page contains all known bugs and issues with OED. There you can search to see if something you see is already known. You can also create a new issue or comment on an existing issue. An "Open" issue means it is not yet resolved and a "Closed" issue means it is resolved. Note that a closed issue may not yet be in the version of OED you are running. You can comment on a closed issue or open a new one if you feel the concern has not been adequately or correctly addressed. You can also visit the contact page for other ways to reach us.

Legal licensing

The OED project is open source under the Mozilla Public License (MPL 2.0). This is a legal framework used by many projects to guarantee that software will be forever available and free to everyone. So, if you want to use OED, rest assured that it is completely free and will remain that way forever. The MPL places requirements on anyone who makes modifications to the software. While you should read up on the details if you want to edit the software (MPL FAQ, MPL license and other resources on the web), it does require you to, in general, share your work back with the OED project. The idea is everyone benefits from the free software and sharing is the best way of enabling this.