Curious about the OED name?

OED Name, Logo & History

Light bulbs and saving energy

Our logo and name

The logo was designed by an early student code developer who was also studying art. Its design was the result of discussions among the early student developers. The light bulb represents energy usage as well as light in the sense of hope. The somewhat circular shell of the light bulb represents the "O" in OED. The "ED" in the center of the light bulb is the rest of our project initials. Early developers referred to the project as "Eddy" due to the "ED" in the logo.

The project debated early on whether to have "Energy" in the name. We always planned that the dashboard could collect and display any resource (water, recycling, etc.). However, we chose to use Open Energy Dashboard since the term energy was so commonly used in this area and our initial versions of the dashboard would focus on electricity (as a demonstration).

A little history

OED began in the fall of 2016 and was based at Beloit College. Its first public release was in March of 2017. OED became a fully independent project around 2018.