OED Documentation


Version V1.0.0

These features are only available to select people who oversee the OED site (called admins) so this information is not usually of interest to a general user.


This page describes how to add eGauge meters to OED so they will be read regularly.


One needs the following information about the eGauge meter:

  • IP address of the desired eGauge meter that is the location address where the meter can be reached. One should be able to go to this address in a web browser and see the landing page for the meter. For this example the IP address of will be used. One may well have a named address, e.g., egauge99.mydomain.org, instead of an IP address for the meter and that is fine to use.
  • One needs the Username and Password that allows Access Control to the data for this meter. If you are already logged in to the meter you can find all the logins on the Settings tab under Access Control on the eGauge web page. For this example the Username is myuser and the password is mypassword.
  • One needs the register that is going to be accessed on the eGauge meter to provide data. This is located under the Settings tab, Preferences to get to the Preferences Editor page. They should be located next to the label "List of registers to display in graph by default". For this example the register will be called myregister.

Either by admin meters creation web page or via a CSV meter upload, add a new meter that has the following attributes:

  1. Set the meter URL. For this example would be:
    where one would replace the four values discussed above with the ones specific for the eGauge meter of interest.
  2. Set the meter Type to "EGAUGE" (without quotes).
  3. Set update to yes if you want OED to regularly get this meter data.
  4. Set Displayable, Unit and Default Graphic Unit to the needed/desired values.
  5. The Reading Frequency can default to 00:15:00 for 15 minutes as that is the frequency that OED acquires data from eGauge meters. If you are interested in a different frequency then please contact us.
  6. The other meter values are standard ones that you want for this meter and can be left as the default values if desired.

Set up the hourly cron job to update eGauge meters' data on OED if update is yes and you want eGauge meters to update. This only needs to be done once on the server, generally by an IT person. This mirrors similar steps in the site installation directions.

  1. cp src/scripts/updateEgaugeMetersOEDCron.bash /etc/cron.hourly/updateEgaugeMetersOEDCron.bash
  2. Edit /etc/cron.hourly/updateGaugeMetersOEDCron.bash to make the necessary modifications to the script. See the script for more detail.
  3. Do: chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/updateEgaugeMetersOEDCron.bash to make the script executable.
  4. If you want to immediately run the update on meters without waiting for the hourly script one does: docker compose exec web npm run updateEgaugeMeters
  5. Note that you will not be able to graph the newly acquired meter data until the daily aggregation (described on the installation page linked above) is run or you manually refresh the readings by doing: docker compose exec web npm run refreshAllReadingViews


None at this time.