OED Documentation

Conversion Viewing

Version V1.0.0

These features are only available to select people who oversee the OED site (called admins) so this information is not usually of interest to a general user.


The admin conversion viewing page allows admin users to see all the conversions on an OED site. It is accessed from the "Pages" dropdown menu by clicking "Conversions" as shown in the following figure (highlighted in the blue rectangle where "Conversions" is grayed out since it has already been clicked). This page also allows admins to create and edit conversions. Further information on conversions is available. Admin conversion viewing page

All information shown on this page is based upon the documentation example.


As shown in the figure above, each conversion has its own card to show information about that conversion. The cards are sorted from left to right and top to bottom by the source unit's identifier and the destination unit's identifier if the source identifier is the same. Each card contains the following information:

  1. Summary in the blue area. This gives the source and destination unit's identifier along with the direction of the conversion. It duplicates information later in the card but serves as a good summary. For example, "BTU ↔ m³ gas" indicates that the source unit identifier is BTU and the destination unit identifier is m³ gas. The double-ended arrow indicates the conversion is bidirectional. As another example, "Electric_kW → kW" has a one directional arrow indicating the conversion only goes from "Electric_kW" to "kW".
  2. Source. This gives the source unit's identifier of the conversion.
  3. Destination. This gives the destination unit's identifier of the conversion.
  4. Bidirectional. This is yes (in green) if the conversion is bidirectional and goes in both directions and no (in red) if the conversion is unidirectional and only goes from the source to destination.
  5. Slope. This gives the slope of the conversion from the source to destination.
  6. Intercept. This gives the intercept of the conversion from the source to destination.
  7. Note. This may give additional information about the conversion supplied when OED created it or from the admin. Only the first 30 characters will be shown and any additional characters in the note can be seen by clicking the "Edit Conversion" button.
  8. Edit conversion button. Clicking this button allows one to see any additional information on this conversion and to edit the values associated with this conversion.

In addition, there is a "Create a Conversion" button near the top of the page that allows one to create a new conversion.

