OED Documentation


Version V0.8.0

The latest version of this page is V1.0.0.

Documentation overview

User documentation
Admin documentation
Documentation versions for this page
V0.8.0 (current page)


Special users of an OED site need to login to access those features. This page describes how to do that.


Click the "Log in" button on the top, right side of the OED web browser window (highlighted with blue box in next figure). admin login button

Once the "Log in" button is clicked, you will be taken to the login page shown in the next figure. Enter your "Email" and "Password" and then click "Submit". If the credentials are correct then the web browser window will take you back to the main OED screen. If there was an issue then a failure popup will briefly appear and you will remain on the login page. If you do not know your admin login credentials then check with the person who set up your OED site. If a site is unable to log in with any admin user then see the admin installation, create user for additional documentation. admin login page

The button will become "Log out"" if you are already logged in and OED will automatically log one out after a set period of time.

Note you can click the "Log out" button in the top, right if you want to stop being a special user. OED will automatically log you out after a set period of time.


When your session times out as, the next action you take will redirect you to the login page or note you have logged out. After you log in you are returned to the main OED page. Then you can click to get back to where you were.

OED will warn you if you have unsaved changes from some admin pages. You can choose to "Cancel" which stays on that page but does not save the changes, "Leave" that will leave the page without saving your changes, or "Save all" that will save your changes to the database and leave the page. Any unsaved changes will not be permanent and will not be seen by users of your site. Note that OED can only detect that changes were made and not if you set them back to the original values so you will be warned in this case. Also note that other users will not see changes until they reload OED in the web browser.

If admin edits are done around the same time by two different admins (or in different browsers/windows by a single admin) then it is possible the outcome will be unexpected. Admin changes should only be done by one person in one place at a time to avoid any issues.