OED Documentation
Version V0.7.0
The latest version of this page is V1.0.0.
Documentation overview
User documentation
Other Features
Admin documentation
Documentation versions for this page
The page where you can view OED graphics is considered the home page. There are several ways to get there.
If you are not on this page then there will be a "Home" button in the top, right of the web browser window that you can click to return to this page. You can also click the OED logo in the top, left of the web browser window to get to the home page at any time. Clicking the logo when you are already on the home page has no effect. The two ways of doing this are shown in the following figure by items highlighted in a blue box.
The home page allows for several actions including:
- Selecting graphic type
- Selecting groups
- Selecting meters
- exporting reading data
- Getting a chart link
- Selecting the language used
- docking the options/menus
- Selecting OED pages