OED Documentation


Version V0.7.0

The latest version of this page is V1.0.0.

These features are only available to select people who oversee the OED site (called admins) so this information is not usually of interest to a general user.

Admin documentation
Overview: Describes admin usage and overview of admin documentation pages.
Site Management
Group: Describes how to view groups.
Map Management: Describes how to create, edit & view maps.
Map Viewing: Describes how to view maps.
Meter Viewing: Describes how to view meters.
Site Settings: Describes how to set the site settings and manage users.
User: Describes managing users on an OED site.
Data Acquisition
CSV Import: Describes how to import meters and readings via CSV files.
Data Acquisition: Overviews the types of meters supported and how to control them in OED. This includes uploading meters or readings via a CSV file.
MAMAC: Describes acquiring readings from a MAMAC meter.
Meter Import: Describes adding meters via a CSV file.
Reading Import: Describes how to import readings via CSV files.
Site Installation
Production Install Output: Shows output of an OED production installation.
Installation Directions: Describes how to install OED for production use as a site at your institution along with some other details on maintaining a site.
Upgrades: Describes how to upgrade an OED site at your institution.
User documentation
User help
Documentation versions for this page
V0.7.0 (current page)

In order to access any admin features, you must be logged in as an admin. Note this same log in procedure may be used for users with CSV, export and other logins.