OED Developer Documentation

Environment Variables

This information is for developers of the OED software so this information is not usually of interest to a general user.

The update to the Redux Toolkit (RTK) is not yet reflected in the documentation. As a result, some information may be out of date.

The OED server is configured via environment variables. These are normally set in the docker-compose.yml file located in the main OED directory. Developers generally do not need to change these values. Production installations generally do need to change some values as described in the installation directions.

The environment variables are:

  • OED_PRODUCTION: 'yes' if running "for realsies" on a server (live site), 'no' otherwise (normally development).
  • OED_SERVER_PORT: The port that the server should run on. 3000 is a good default choice.
  • OED_DB_USER: The user that should be used to connect to postgres.
  • OED_DB_DATABASE: The database you just created, so likely oed.
  • OED_DB_TEST_DATABASE: The test database you just created, so likely oed_testing.
  • OED_DB_PASSWORD: The password for your postgres user.
  • OED_DB_HOST: The host for your postgres db, likely database where docker will set the needed value since database is the name of the service for the database.
  • OED_DB_PORT: The port for your postgres db, likely 5432.
  • OED_TOKEN_SECRET: Token for authentication. Generate something secure and random where you should never need to use this value.
  • OED_LOG_FILE: Path to the log file, defaults to ./log.txt.
  • OED_MAIL_METHOD: Method of sending mail. Supports "secure-smtp" and "none". Case insensitive.
  • OED_MAIL_IDENT: Username for gmail, domain for mailgun. Ex: user@example.com
  • OED_MAIL_CREDENTIAL: Password for gmail, or API key for mailgun.
  • OED_MAIL_FROM: From address for email. If using GMail, make sure this is set.
  • OED_MAIL_TO: Who gets error, warning (log) e-mail. Ex: admin@example.com
  • OED_MAIL_ORG: Organization name, used in e-mail subject line
  • TZ: Used to set the time zone on the OED server. This impacts the messages with timestamps from the server. By default this will be UTC.