About OED

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The Open Energy Dashboard (OED) is a free, open source project that provides software to display energy and resource data in a web browser. It was designed from the ground up to be portable so it can be used at many organizations.



OED is a feature rich, easy to use dashboard with many graphics for site visitors.

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OED Principles

What OED strives for and why that makes us a great and easy to use dashboard.

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OED maintains extensive documentation for users and site administrators that is also linked by help icons in the dashboard.

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Using OED

Learn about what it takes to become an OED site and information if you are an OED site.

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OED: Free and Maintained

How OED is free but also maintained.

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OED Mission

Learn about OED's mission to help the world and educate students.

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Why OED Exists?

Learn why OED exists and how the project works.

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Learn about important information as OED moves forward.

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Why is the name OED?

Learn why OED has its name, logo and a little history.

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OED listens

Do you want to discuss issues you are having, ideas, needs, using OED, contributing or anything else then we welcome you reaching out to the project.

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